Washington County School District -- Developing the whole child.
A Message from our Interim Superintendent
January 7, 2025
Dear WACO Nation,
As we begin our second semester, it is my honor to welcome you back to our campuses. January is a time for reflection and recalibration as we look forward to our continuing efforts to excel as a school district. Of course, our focus is on student achievement, and we have multiple initiatives we are employing to ensure our students are performing well.
From the instructional perspective, our teachers continue to utilize teaching methodologies that will support students as they learn the educational standards prescribed by the state of Georgia. We strive to provide a rigorous and equitable learning experience to all students using classroom strategies designed to drive academic excellence. We have the safety of our students and staff and the security of our campuses at the forefront of our practices, and we are continuing our commitment to prioritize and support the mental health of our students. As we prepare for our upcoming COGNIA accreditation visit, we are engaging all of our stakeholders to develop a strategic plan that will support our dedication to continuous improvement.
Operationally, we are continuing the renovation of the TJ Elder Middle School campus and are on schedule to complete the project in August 2025. The installation of new playground equipment at the Ridge Road Complex has been completed and the baseball, track, football, gymnasium, and theatre facilities at Washington County High School have been upgraded. A new reading curriculum is in place at the primary and elementary schools and teachers across the district have new state of the art technology in their classrooms. We are implementing the new state-defined Literacy initiative and are hard at work across the district to teach these researched and proven standards. We are thankful to the community for their support of ESPLOST V and are beginning the process to define a timeline for major maintenance projects for our campuses as well as assessing additional transportation and technology needs.
I encourage everyone to actively engage in our children’s education for the remainder of this school year. Please plan to visit our schools and attend school events, Parent’s Nights, Athletic events, Fine Arts performances and other important activities. Your attendance is important to us, and our students love to see you. You can also visit school websites or the District’s website at https://www.washingtoncountyschoolsga.org/ to follow the news of our school district. Additionally, parents can directly communicate with their children’s teachers and can obtain classroom and event specific information through the Parent Square app.
Please know that our teachers, administrators, and staff work diligently and collaborate daily with one goal in mind; to support our students and all of our stakeholders. Please reach out to me or any of our Principals if you have questions or concerns. We look forward to working with you to ensure successful completion of the school year.
Sandra McMaster